Starpoint Alpha is an interesting game. It has some really great design, ideas, and story-driven puzzles. We loved scrambling back and forth through the space.
The game has an interesting outcome model: You can save the space station and escape, or if you\'re down to the last 5 minutes you can escape by completing the puzzles in the escape pod.
In a few places, implementation holds the experience back. Some parts of the game felt more like we were completing work than puzzles - perhaps because quite a few of the solutions to problems required many iterations of the same task. (For instance, searching for a large number of similar things distributed across the playing area.) If we were to fix this, we\'d reduce the number things to find, or iterations in some of the other puzzles - and add an extra puzzle or two to the space.
Our games master was friendly, if a little too ready to give us clues. We\'d have preferred to finish trying to figure a puzzle out and then to ask - but your mileage may vary. He had better knowledge than we did about how much there was to do, so perhaps he felt like there wasn\'t enough time for that.
Despite these flaws, we had fun playing. The whole experience came with a welcome dose of humour, and a fun twist to the story that felt like it might have had a little inspiration from Red Dwarf. The game works for a team of 2, but because of the iterations involved you\'ll probably do a little better in a team of 3 or 4.