Professor BlackSheep is back again to destroy mankind as we know it by turning us all into sheep! And this time he is not alone - he’s got an evil side-kick and together they have built a dangerous device: the SheepMutator.
Mr Q believes that the new technology used by the Professor poses a serious threat: by mutating the human genome, the SheepMutator can turn anyone who is in the range on its evil rays into a placid sheep! To make matters worse, the Professor has managed to set up several such devices in key locations around the planet - one of them having been set up right here, in London.
Agents, you will have 60 Minutes to locate and find a way to deactivate these devices before they go online and it’s too late for mankind!
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Played: 30 Nov 2024Team size: 2Outcome: Successful escape!
beautifulclevergreat hosting
A super game full of creativity and strange quirks, that we had a fantastic time solving. It's not a huge space but it opens up like a Swiss army knife and the fun is in the tiny detail and the unexpected.
We preferred this to cQ Origenes, even though it's a smaller game; we're padlock people so this had plenty for us.
Great hosting, as seems per usual: Rowen was a real delight.
Played: 2 Jan 2024Team size: 3Time taken: 54:54Outcome: Successful escape!
hi-techoriginalquite difficult
Wow really good room. Bit of a false start as some things aren't very clear to begin with but once we were past that, the rest of the room although small had a lot packed into it, and some extremely high tech stuff, which although fancy wasn't always obvious enough. Some very nice puzzles though, things I'd not seen before.
Great use of tech. A stunning room that is fun from start to finish. Great mix of puzzles and the room co tinges to throw new surprises at every stop of the journey
Played: December 2021Team size: 2Time taken: 57m 50sOutcome: Successful escape!
Anonymous rated this:
Team size: 2Outcome: Successful escape!
funnybroken techpoor hosting
Broken locks during the game, and honestly don’t see the hype with this one. There were quite a few puzzles that felt that they were bulked out just to eat time up. Some good concept puzzles though.
Team size: 2Time taken: 56Outcome: Successful escape!
Good fun, good room, good story line, interesting puzzles, good fun had by us both good experience over all, it’s clearly a busy place as we did suspect that our host hosted two games at ones. But of course we could be wrong.
Played: 3 Oct 2022Team size: 3Time taken: 49:47Outcome: Successful escape!
The game has two great features: the puzzles are extremely well designed, logical, creative and funny and the tech is impressive and working very well. The thing which could be improved puzzle-wise is huge over-reliance on locks - it is fun to get to the codes for them but more steps could be built on different non-lock principle! Secondly, the use of tablet was not verh satisfactory and the room is quite small.
The main downside of the room is its low immersiveness - the story is purposedly fun and non-realistic but there is no fear or excitement added to the room which, despite high intellectual value, impacts the overall experience (e.g. compared to horror games or prison break rooms which are cliche but immersive). There is missing music or light effects which could stimulate the emotional aspect in addition to the intellectual challenge!
Still definitely recommend for high quality of the puzzles.
Very innovative with a cool main set piece that plays a role throughout the entire experience. At time really quite difficult with some particularly difficult (borderline illogical) puzzles but some which just require going back to basics (looking around the room, making sure you've felt everything!). 3 people felt like the perfect number.
We were very lucky to have a great host (Javier) who gave us just the right amount of help for us to escape with just over a minute to spare!
value for moneyhi-techgreat hostingquite difficult
Absolutely loved this game. We got off to a slow start and I thought this was going to be very difficult. It was difficult, but in a challenging, rewarding way rather than impossible and constantly needing clues. Farzana was a great host, really enthusiastic and while keen to give clues, she often left us to it with a very small hint rather than explaining exactly what we should do. There are some fantastic puzzles in here with a fair bit of search and more obvious clues too which makes it suitable for novices and experienced players although I'd not recommend this for a group of first timers - better for a group with mixed experience like us. The final centrepiece puzzle is just brilliant and I left on a complete high.
A high tech game with some unique puzzles and a cool theme. Flow of the game was a bit off, and some of the puzzles require more signposting and have some leaps of logic. Generally a fun game though
A really challenging room, some multilevelled puzzles and interesting use of tech. Cluequest always show good puzzle design. A great room for puzzle lovers but I found it took a few more jumps in logic and it little more frustrating than their operation blacksheep room.
Some great props and fun puzzles, small space as a group and did find as a 4 quite linear so had some time standing around waiting for other people to do things. One of the better London games though and would recommend if looking to play games centrally and already done the Escape Plan rooms.
Cluequest's previous two rooms were fun and challenging, and with this one they've pushed the bar higher. One puzzle in particular is unusually high-tech - which is risky for an escape room, but it worked exactly as intended and appeared to be rock solid.
It's a room brimming with puzzles, where there's masses to do but which all comes together for the finish. It's not an easy room and I'd recommend doing it after the other Cluequest rooms, but it's one worth waiting for.
A rare escape room that combines great customer service, both high tech and mechanical puzzles and generally an all round fun experience. clueQuest have upped their game again - definitely their best yet.
Despite being an older game, Revenge of the Sheep is still in very good condition and not showing its age at all. Puzzles were solid, the tech was impressive, and set design was the high standard we’ve come to expect.
We have just 60 minutes to stop an evil professor before he turns mankind into placid sheep!
The aim in Revenge is to locate and zap evil Professor BlackSheep’s secret bases around the globe to prevent the world’s population being mutated into sheep
It’s a weird time to be reviewing Revenge of the Sheep. There’s some super-cool fancy new tech in the room – it’s not a spoiler, because it’s explained in the briefing. Revenge of the Sheep uses augmented reality – you point a tablet camera at something and see it on the screen, overlaid with things that aren’t actually there. It’s pretty cool the first time you see it. But as I write this, the entire country is in the grip of PokemonGO which uses the exact same technology to show Pokemon in real world places. Two weeks earlier Revenge of the Sheep was cutting edge. Now, not so much.
At the end of February, we traveled to London, England. It was part of my birthday gift from Alex, which included a show by Bianca Del Rio and a trip with our closest friends to the Capitol of England. Naturally, we also played a bunch of Escape Rooms. We had one day to check out rooms […]
We were called upon to help super-mouse Mr Q thwart vile Professor Blacksheep's plan to turn all humans into sheep! Which would obviously be a bad thing, and not wonderfully cute and fluffy. How did we fare?
A challenging room that’s not for newbies, builds on the previous two rooms in terms of story and style. The goal is in the style of a specific task rather than simply escaping. Style and build quality top notch. The inaugural winner of the London Escapists “Generally Awesome” award.
These are the 100 highest rated escape rooms in the UK, as of 31st Dec 2022, based on combined ratings from enthusiasts, bloggers and experts - every game here comes highly recommended.
These are the 100 highest rated escape rooms (out of 1600) in the UK, as of 31st Dec 2021, based on combined ratings from enthusiasts, bloggers and experts - every game here comes highly recommended.
These are the 100 highest rated escape rooms in the UK, as of 31st Dec 2023, based on combined ratings from enthusiasts, bloggers and experts - every game here comes highly recommended.