To put it in a (nut)shell, this is an absolutely cracking game that takes eggs-ellent puzzle design, a whole clutch of truly eggs-eptional egg-based puns and a very cute little bunny rabbit, mixes them together into one delicious omelette of puzzle-solving fun and delivers that mad scramble of delight that one only gets from a proper padlocky puzzle-fest (and yes, every single egg pun is entirely intentional).
This is not an Easter-themed game, although it absolutely could be played as one if that's what you fancy; this is an adorable, frantic fever-dream that has been created with an immense amount of care by Kelly and the team at EO and that we simply didn't want to end.
The split-start is a super way to begin and - although it doesn't have much to do with eggs, bunnies or a delightful spring garden - it really doesn't matter. The puzzles are plentiful and, as with the best split-starts, communication is key. Once into the garden, our main quest was to rescue Edgar the bunny but our side quest had us cracking open a plethora of padlocks to collect a clutch of eggs.
Fancy tech and movie-standard sets are great and all but we're the type of enthusiasts who want to be faced with a giant wall of padlocks. Chatting to Kelly - one of the owners - after the game, it became very clear that we share that preference: that sweet *clunk* of a padlock as you get the right code... the cheeky thrill of a cipher and letter lock combination... the delight when the directional padlock opens first time and there's no double-clicking for you as you sail on through to the next puzzle... That, for us, makes an enjoyable escape room. If we find ourselves actively stopping each other in a room to remark on just how much fun we're having then we know we're onto a winner.
Ratings and reviews are so subjective but if it's fun you're after, them embrace the madness and go and rescue poor Edgar!