This was a story-rich game, with very high-quality 360 images. It was beautiful to look at, and there was a unique element of being able to see each space from 2 different time periods.
Video conferencing was included in the game.
We really enjoyed one particular puzzle (involving albums/records). The rest of the puzzles seemed to be very simple puzzle-types, but they were made a bit difficult to achieve due to the challenge of figuring out HOW to do interact correctly, or struggling to find things. There was a good period of time sacrificed to mindless pixel-clicking all over the screen in a desperate effort to find or interact with things. And there does seem to have been a glitch (or an accidental solve) at one point in the game, which propelled us forward without ever having solved a particular puzzle. (but the creator says they are working on an improvement here)
There was one element which I liked, and I had never seen it done before: If I clicked to get a hint, the game needed ALL PLAYERS to click that they AGREE before it would dispense the hint. I thought that was a nice touch.
I was intrigued enough by the scenes and the story to get through the bits of the game which felt frustrating, and I was left with an overall feeling of achievement.
One more note: I played this game for free. Had I not been offered the chance to play for free, I would never have played this game - due to the cost. It is being sold (currently) at a price that I find too high for a digital game.