Escape rooms in Lake Geneva region

By | July 8, 2021
Outside the UK we only list games for which we have ratings / reviews - this is only a selection of the escape games available.

AdventureRooms Sion Sion

Rated between 7 and 8 out of 5 SabotageFR & DE only
Rated 5 out of 5 Boys & GirlsFR & DE only

Escape Lab Geneva Geneva

19872 copies
Hackers2 copies
MummyFR only
Titan II operation75 mins2 copies

Escape Life Sion Sion

Da Vinci Code135 minsdifferent
Da Vinci Kids90 minsfor kidsdifferent

Henigma Sion Sion

Prison Island60-180 mins20 copiesdifferent

Henigma Yverdon Yverdon-les-Bains

Prison Island60-180 mins26 copiesdifferent

Verbier Escape Room Emporium Verbier

Hotel Californiacurrently unavailable
Space Odysseycurrently unavailable
Showing 50 of 51 venue