Escape rooms in Florida

By | January 18, 2020
Outside the UK we only list games for which we have ratings / reviews - this is only a selection of the escape games available.

Lockbox Escape Room โ€” Davie

Rated 7 out of 5 CIA Taskforce: The Gamer๐ŸŽงactor / audio
Framed๐ŸŽงactor / audio
Gallery Heist๐ŸŽงactor / audio
Holidayland๐ŸŽงactor / audio
and 4 other games (see all)

Daytona Escape Room Experience โ€” South Daytona

Rated between 6 and 8 out of 5 The Exhibit๐Ÿ“นremote avatar
Rated between 5 and 8 out of 5 The Black Jewel๐Ÿ“นremote avatar

Mind Trapped โ€” Palm Harbor

Rated 6 out of 5 The Mob Informant๐Ÿ“นremote avatar

CuboEscape โ€” Cutler Bay

Coronavirus Rush๐ŸŽงactor / audio90 mins

Outerlife Studios โ€” St. Petersburg

Rated 6 out of 5 Scorchedcurrently unavailable