In the year 2248, you and your motley crew of space pirates have been found guilty of debris looting and are being transported on the United Space Ship Redemption to a mining facility to work off your sentence. Enroute the ship suffers a catastrophic failure and is locked on course towards certain disaster. Your guards quickly abandon ship and leave you to your fate.Can you free yourselves from prison, gain control of the spaceship and steer it to safety before time runs out?
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Something just didn't flow for this game for us. But the most disappointing is that they ripped off an amazing interaction/clue system from a game from Barcelona.
Played: 15 Jan 2022Team size: 2Time taken: 46:00Outcome: Successful escape!
hi-techgreat hosting
The main part of this game is somewhat high-tech, but didn't really flow for us. The interaction from the game and the host overlapped at times, making it difficult to follow. The ending could be better (a similar ending at a different company in Kent implemented it brillitantly). Host however was great.
A good, solid room that impressed us with its set and story. Puzzles were catering more towards the "corporate" market, and enthusiasts will find the room entertaining but probably not the most challenging.
The other room at the venue is set aboard a spaceship where you need to escape from, there's a nice bit of theatre to start the room and then what follows are some great logic and techbased puzzles, the ending might be a bit of a damp squib but the journey is a lot of fun.
a solid room, theme was good and the props were fairly well put together. an unfortunate mishap with something not working as intended in the first part of the room put the start on a bit of a dampener but the host was brilliant and more than made up for the interruption honestly. immersion was decent, the level of the puzzles varied to the point where we were overthinking some of the more basic ones as a couple felt like they were "trickier" and we assumed the rest would match.
ending was okay, i can see why other reviews say it fell a little flat but it wasn't bad by any means. i think the room probably deserves a slightly lower rating but our experience was enhanced by an absolutely fantastic host which is why i've rated the experience as i have. i'd say this room is worth a go especially if you're a fan of this type of genre.