gfdubbs 🔐Games played gfdubbs has played 11 escape games and rated 10 of them, and reviewed 2 of them GameCompanyGameLocationEscape Coalville: The Coal Mine in CoalvilleoriginaloverpricedCave Escape: Monuments in Nottinghamoriginalpoor hostingoverpricedBreak Escape Nottingham: Santa’s Christmas ADVENTure in NottinghamoriginalclevermagicalUnescapable Escape Rooms: Alan in Derbygreat hostingplainunoriginalBreak Escape Nottingham: Orbital in Nottinghamvalue for moneystory-drivenepicGreat room! I love space and so was fitting for me and liked the use of no padlocks!(more)Break Escape Loughborough: The Sands of Time in Loughboroughoriginalstory-drivenepicBreak Escape Nottingham: Chocolate Factory in Nottinghamvalue for moneystory-drivengreat hostingLoved this room, such an original concept and it is my favourite film!!!(more)Make Your Escape: Spellbound in Derbyoriginalpoor hostingoverpricedEscapologic: Curio in NottinghamillogicaloverpricedEscape Leicester: Witchcraft and Wizardry in LeicesterEscape Leicester: The Cabin in Leicesterbroken techoverpricedunoriginal