Escape rooms in Lithuania

By | April 22, 2020
Outside the UK we only list games for which we have ratings / reviews - this is only a selection of the escape games available.

Lost Escape Kaunas

Rated between 7 and 9 out of 5 SteamPunk📹remote avatar
Rated 8 out of 5 The Curse Of Pharaoh📹remote avatar
Rated between 6 and 8 out of 5 The House of Wizard📹remote avatar
Rated between 6 and 9 out of 5 The End?📹remote avatar
and 3 other games (see all)

Insight Out Vilnius

Rated 8 out of 5 The Italian Job📹remote avatar90 mins

Bėglys Kaunas

Apleistas NamasLT onlyfor kids
ApokalipsėLT only
Slapta LaboratorijaLT onlyfor kids

DP60 Kaunas

BunkerisLT only
KlasėLT only

Tamsu Baisu Vilnius

51 ZonaLT onlydifferent
Bado ŽaidynėsLT onlydifferent
Paskutinis ZombisLT onlydifferent
Penktadienio 13-ojiLT onlydifferent
Stebuklingas KambarysLT onlydifferent
Vaiduoklių MedžiotojaiLT onlydifferent
Zombių ApokalipsėLT onlydifferent

Zen Republic Vilnius

Rodent People: Originscurrently unavailablevirtual reality