An embarrassing incident earlier this year left world renowned scientist, Doctor Aquila Mind, red faced. Not taking the incident lightly, he has since been working on a machine that will erase the incident and all other memories from people’s minds.
His Assistant has seen the light and wants to put a stop to the Doctor's evil plans. He can't do this alone and so is recruiting spies of the highest calibre to put a halt to things, do you have what it takes to stop him, navigate his room and retrieve the trigger before the clock hits zero?
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Quite a traditional escape room, nothing special and a lot of the furniture and tech was tired and in need of a revamp. Fun way to spend an hour, but nothing that special.
We had a great time escape the room back in January 2017 with the Alicia Keys in one room and the Georges Clueney in the other one. We had a really good time trying to solve all the different clues and even if I don't remember much of the puzzles themselves, I remember we had an absolute blast!
This was my second (and therefore
final) visit to Can You Escape? York.
Put a stop to a scientist who wants to
erase people’s minds/memories.
Fairly standard, though a couple of
cool functions and mechanics were thrown in. It was easy to know what/where you
should be solving.
Despite his
character, Doctor Aquila Mind’s office looked like it belonged to a solicitor rather
than a world-renowned scientist. Bland.
Final Comments
you can probably tell by this concise review, there’s not an awful lot to say.
It’s an agreeable, no-frills escape room.
Reviews by escape room review sites
A well structured room that can easily handle large team sizes. Puzzles are carefully set out to make the room feel as logical as possible. Just when you think things are going OK, the room's likely to hit back and, for smaller or inexperienced teams, leave you desperately short of time. Lots of searching, a couple of physical puzzles and plenty of padlocks to get past.