BevBreakout 🔐Games played BevBreakout has played 463 escape games, including:🔓 458 'normal' escape games🔍 1 mini (<30 min) escape game🎭 5 'escape room ish' experiences and rated 18 of them, and reviewed 1 of them GameCompanyGameLocationBrainCells Escape Rooms: The Order of Light in AthensEscape Theory: Immortal in AthensEscape Theory: Otherside in AthensArt of Escape: Scooby Doo in AthensArt of Escape: Lilipout in AthensClock Escape Rooms: Prometheus in AthensClock Escape Rooms: Rebellion in AthensThe Paradox Project: The Bookstore in AthensBrain On: Elixir of Life in AthensNo Exit: Death Row in AthensNo Exit: Wanted: Dead or Alive in AthensEscapepolis: Gustav Eiffel in AthensEscapepolis: Hellevator in AthensEscapepolis: The Creepy Store and the Lost Souls in AthensEscapepolis: Dark Mirror in AthensEscapepolis: Cosmos 05 in AthensAdventure Arena: The Prison in AthensThe Box: The Mine Box in AthensTrapped: Experimentum X in AthensClueso: The Illusionist & the Stolen Gem in AthensExit Plan Escape Rooms: The Dark Side of the Elements in AthensEntered As: Demise of the Gricers in AsMystiqueroom: The Pharaoh's Burial Chamber in BudapestMystiqueroom: The Witch in BudapestMystiqueroom: The Lost Crystal Skull in BudapestMystiqueroom: Fairy Tale in BudapestMystiqueroom: The Shogun's Shadow in BudapestEnigma Mission: Flux in BudapestNeverland: Schizophrenic Serial Killer in BudapestNeverland: Insane Asylum in BudapestNeverland: Chernobyl in BudapestMystiqueroom: The Cathedral in BudapestLocked Room: Sky Heist in BudapestEscape Boats Dublin: Convicts in DublinEscape Boats Dublin: SOS in DublinClue HQ Birmingham: The Hellevator in BirminghamClue HQ Birmingham: Captain Riddle's Forgotten Fortune in BirminghamClue HQ Birmingham: The Legend of Miyalock: Forbidden Magic in BirminghamExciting Game Birmingham: Royal Heist Academy in BirminghamExciting Game Birmingham: Prison Punk 2077 in BirminghamHatton Escape Rooms: Nottah Temple in HattonMission Classified: Operation Save Christmas in Grimsby (closed)Enigma Rooms Retford: Siberia in RetfordKnockout Escape Rooms: Babysitter in AthensSAFE Escape Rooms: Firefighters in AthensMystic Corporation: Mystic Investigation in AthensMystic Corporation: Mystic Project in AthensThe Rubicon: Panoramamix in AthensThe Rubicon: Archon's Bar in AthensThe Rubicon: Exam in AthensShowing 50 of 463 games