Outside the UK we only list games for which we have ratings / reviews - this is only a selection of the escape games available.
Call of Quest — Friedrichshafen
Fifty ShadesDE only
Escape — Mengen
Escape the lost Pyramidvirtual reality
Beyond Medusa's Gatevirtual reality
The Dagger of Timevirtual reality
Das LaborDE only
Das WunderlandDE only
Sanctumvirtual reality
and 4 other games (see all)
Escape in Time — Friedrichshafen
90er Backstage-DramaDE only
Kegelbahn des GrauensDE only
Mafia JobDE only
Escape Rooms Denzlingen — Denzlingen
GrabkammerDE only
Jack the RipperDE only
Jagdhütte (Hunter's Lodge)DE only
Secret MissionDE only
Der weise ZaubererDE only
EscapeRooms Pforzheim — Pforzheim
Area 75DE only
EscapeWorld Stuttgart — Fellbach
The ManagerDE only
Escapium — Brühl
IlluminatiDE only
Das Geheimnis des JägersDE only
Die grosse IllusionDE only
Flug 815DE only
Tante Uschis BarDE only
exitanos — Dietingen
Gladiator ChallengeDE only
Flucht-Raum — Ludwigsburg
Diebe im FotostudioDE only
LecterDE only
MörderjagdDE only
Operation "Time Rescue"DE only
House of Mysteries — Aulendorf
Das Geheimnis der JagdhütteDE only
KüchenmeistereiDE only
VersuchsanstaltDE only
PostraubDE only
Paralox — Reutlingen
Die VersuchungDE only
Die WahrsagerinDE only
Sherlock: Angeklagt!DE only
Prison BreakDE only
Scherlock: Die BombeDE only
Spielerei — Leutkirch im Allgäu
Rettet das KinderfestDE only
Die Geheimtür im KlosterDE only
Die Sprengung der Muna UrlauDE only
Showing 50 of 54 venues