La Puerta La Paz: Lost in the Illimani

By | April 3, 2024

La Paz, Feb 2024

Rated 2 out of 5
Toby says:

This might be the cheapest escape room I’ve ever played. Sadly, the low price reflects a pretty low bar for the room design.
The game takes place in one large tent, which of course is dark. We did have a second torch after solving the first puzzle, and to the venue’s credit they replaced it promptly when I told them the battery was dead.
Most of the game time was taken up by two or three laborious puzzles; the first of these in particular was fiddly and fairly ambiguous. I’ve seen the same thing elsewhere and it’s been entirely fine; the problem here was that it was small to the point where the items could be arranged in multiple ways that appeared equally correct, only one of which gave the intended solution.
The ending is abrupt; we’d have had no way of knowing that we’d reached the end, except that in the briefing our host told us that when we opened a certain lock that signalled the end of the game. So when we opened it we told him on the walkie talkie that we’d done so and he came in and confirmed that we were finished.
The final code was a three digit lock. If we’d sat spinning dials until it opened we’d have likely finished in a similar time, and while that would definitely have been more tedious than solving the actual puzzles, it’s a closer-run comparison than it ought to be.
On the plus side, the host was very friendly, and we completed it without clues, so there was nothing too ambiguous or illogical. Even so, this is a room to take someone to if you want to put them off the concept of escape rooms. 2 / 5
Pris rated this:2 / 5