Atrapados: Secuestro en la Cabaña

By | April 7, 2024

La Paz, Feb 2024

Rated 3.5 out of 5
Toby says:

At time of writing there are two escape room companies in La Paz (and indeed in all of Bolivia). Atrapados is likely to be a longer journey from where most visiting tourists tends to stay, but if you want to play an escape room while you pass through, this is the one to go for.
We originally booked for the Titanic game, but on hearing we were experienced players the owner suggested we switch to their cabin murder mystery, to give us more of a challenge, despite the four player minimum on the room. That worked out well, since we still finished in under forty minutes.
This is not a horror theme cabin; instead, you’re investigating the murder scene where a friend died, trying to work out who did it. The majority of the content consists of escape room style puzzles, but these eventually unlock enough story information for you to deduce the killer.
Although the game starts in low lighting, that’s only used for the initial section and the rest is well lit. The puzzles are fairly old-school in style, but with solid logic and good variety. And the murder mystery elements made sense, with a clear and reasonable chain of deduction to follow to the answer.
One puzzle needed some basic Spanish knowledge (mainly just number words), but I think that was the only part that did.
By standards elsewhere this isn’t a game that would particularly stand out, but it’s a straightforward and enjoyable game that would work well for beginners; and if you’re looking for something to play in Bolivia then you’re unlikely to find much better. 3.5 / 5
Pris rated this:3.5 / 5