The pirate world has been shaken: the heartless pirate is wreaking havoc in the Caribbean and on the seven seas. Become real pirates and immerse yourself in the world of buccaneers. Free the imprisoned heart of the heartless pirate to restore peace to the world of buccaneers and marauders.
A fantastic immersive adventure with plenty of humour.
Ideal for fans of Pirates of the Caribbean and Monkey Island.
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Für mich als leidenschaftlichen Monkey-Island- oder generell Point'n'Klick-Adventure-Fan war dieser Raum natürlich ein besonderes Erlebnis. Dream Labs hat insgesamt in seiner Narration, vom Betreten bis zum Verlassen des Gebäudes, eine selten runde und bis ins Detail designte Experience geschaffen. Wenn man etwas kritisieren möchte, dann ist es genau das: Es ist eine überwiegende Experience! Der Raum enthält recht wenige und eher einfache Rätsel, die zwar alle einwandfrei in die Story integriert sind, aber uns als Vielspieler dann doch zu wenig beschäftigt haben. Wir hatten noch 13 Minuten Zeit am Ende. Schön wäre auch gewesen, wenn der Spielleiter mit den Monkey-Island-Spielen vertraut gewesen wäre, da er in der Interaktion nicht auf meine Anspielungen und passenden Aktionen eingegangen ist. Das ist aber vielleicht auch eine sehr persönliche Kritik meinerseits. Insgesamt ist ein sehr intensives und auch witziges Piratenabenteuer gelungen, das sein Geld absolut wert ist.
Played: 2 Mar 2024Team size: 4Time taken: 70Outcome: Successful escape!
funnyimmersivegreat hosting
The drive to Bad Steben which takes you to a small town in a lovely rural area and once there we headed for the address which appeared to be a small commercial building in a mainly residential area. We entered the venue and walked into the Dream Lab, where we were greeted by a pristine white room with a rather medical-looking receptionist. For a second or two I thought we’d wandered into some sort of cosmetic surgery business and not an escape room. It wouldn’t have surprised me if they receptionist had offered to wax Heiner’s legs!But we had entered the Dream Lab, where they can place you and your team into the same lucid dream using their unique technology. The reception area and the staff were perfectly dressed for the theme of the venue, and immersed you into the theme from the second you walked in.We were then briefed on the procedure to enter the team’s dream, which was a wonderfully interactive briefing. We chose to into the world of pirates, at the moment that’s the only choice, but the Dream Labs are expanding their range of dreams and there will be other adventures soon.As for the room…I mean dream… well it was more than fabulous. The transition taking you from the waking world to the collective dream was very well executed and gives the team a moment to prepare for entering the pirate world… and what a pirate world it is! We arrived in a rather seedy looking pirate bar, which is located on an old, docked ship.
Played: 10 Feb 2024Team size: 4Time taken: 67Outcome: Successful escape!
This room gave
me goosebumps throughout the entire adventure. From the moment you enter the building
till you leave, it was a flawless experience. You feel the love and passion for
this hobby that the owners Ilona and Thomas have put in every detail of the
room. They have created something very special and I can't wait for the other
two experiences to open.
This is well worth the trip to get to, you enter the Dream Lab and are greeted by a white room with rather medical-looking staff. For a second or two I thought we'd wandered into some sort of cosmetic surgery business and not an escape room. But this is a dream lab that can place you and your team into the same lucid dream using their unique technology. As for the room...I mean dream... well it was more than fabulous. If you're a fan of the Monkey Island games or the Pirates of the Caribbean films then you'll immediately see some nods to those, but there are also escape room nods and sci-fi influences in there.
But it's not all about the references, the set is amazingly detailed, the puzzles are fun and varied with lots of communication, the transitions are great, and the interactions... well one character we interacted with made me laugh so much I nearly wet myself, and the other character I wanted to take home with me.
This is a fabulous adventure for lost pirate treasure, and with all stories with a scary bad guy it's peppered throughout with lots of humour, and a few dodgy-looking sea cucumbers!!! Its epic!
What the teams at Dream Labs and The Room Labs have developed here is close to perfection, if not perfect for many of you out there. “The Tale of the Heartless Pirate” is a meticulously crafted escape adventure, to which one can perhaps attribute some criticisms, but not that an immense amount of love and humor hasn’t been poured into it. Every second, you can feel the pure passion for storytelling, the craftsmanship, and thus the rare ability to create a believable world.
Auf unserem kleinen Trip durch Bayern sind wir auf einen noch sehr neuen Escape Room Anbieter gestoßen.
Wer kann schon ahnen, dass man in einem so kleinen und abgelegenen Ort einen der besten Escape Rooms findet, die wir je gespielt haben. Dream Labs bleibt uns auf jeden Fall in Erinnerung.