Project Avatar: Mystery Hotel

By | May 1, 2022

by Project Avatar (website)

1-10 players

Team of 1: £0.00pp $100.00pp
Team of 2: £0.00pp $50.00pp
Team of 3: £0.00pp $33.33pp
Team of 4-8: £0.00pp $25.00pp

Languages: EN

📹remote avatar

Player review

Review by 🦡cipherdelic virtuoso

Rated between 40 and 40 out of 5
Played: 9 May 2022 Team size: 3.5 Time taken: 45 Outcome: Successful escape!
great hosting

The first avatar room I've played in ages, and I hadn't realised just how much I've missed them. The  Project Avatar team have done what they do best, create great entertainment. Using an existing escape room they've added their avatar and their twist on gameplay and produced an atmospheric adventure as you explore a haunted hotel trying to find the reason for the many spectral guests suddenly appearing.
Gameplay is very good, nice puzzles and our avatar was very subtle at signposting items and pointing you in the right direction, and theres no waiting around for fiddily locks to be opened. Any text or items you need to look at closely are put onto the screen during your game (no separate inventory here) and this makes it much more immersive as you're always looking at the gameplay.

Finally this is being hosted in Lviv, and playing this game supports both a Ukrainian company and their community. I look forward to playing their next room which is available at the end of May.

cipherdelic has played 1262 games - see all ratings and reviews

See also