Port Royal, 1718. Piracy in the Caribbean is spreading more than ever. You are the Captain of the famous Mariposa ship. Your crew has formed a mutiny and locked you and some of your friends in the prison of your ship. But you can’t stay there, you need to complete the mission you were undertaking: to find Derdrake’s treasure buried somewhere in Tortuga Island. You need the treasure to get rid of a terrible curse that will transform you into a spectre. You need to hurry, the prophecy will come true with the First Moon.
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We earned ourselves a bit of reputation over this game.
We failed To do the first puzzle but somehow managed to make it over a third of the way through with very little movement. We had got the host worried they had forgotten something and were just about to call and ask for assistance when we discovered our mistake. The games hosts could not believe how far we had made it. Lol.
Pirate themed room, I had a great time in this room! Theming is on point with some suitable piratical puzzles and some great room reveals to carry it forward.
Played: 9 Mar 2024Team size: 3Time taken: 32:56Outcome: Successful escape!
immersivegreat hosting
Room build and theming was quite immersive for this and good fun.
Lots of the puzzles felt very pratical, and some of them we found a bit
challenging but felt rewarding to work out.
Hosts remembered us from the first room we'd done there, and were lovely as always.
It was a while ago since I played this game, so my memory of it isnt great. I do remember really enjoying it, and there are certain parts of the game that I remember thinking were really cool in terms of theming and puzzles alike. I remember getting extremely side-tracked on something that was irrelevant, but of course, that would have been us, and not the room.
All in all, I remember it being a fun room, and would absolutely return to play more in the future.
Lovely people here at Escape Reality! Our hosts remembered us from the previous game and were really enthusiastic about our escape time.The game itself starts really strongly - we really enjoyed the first section. The puzzles are all logical and make a lot of sense and there is a good mix of searching and solving. We enjoyed one of the final puzzles particularly. A fun room with a strong theme!
The good pirate ship theming and well flowing puzzles made this a really fun room. It may be a little too easy for some escape room enthusiasts, but I can see escape room beginners and families loving this room.