Category Archives: International

The Game: The Lost City

Skopje, Mar 2020

Rated 3 out of 5
The Game had two escape rooms available, of which only one is playable by a team of two – although I’d probably have picked Lost City anyway. because the promo pictures looked pretty. Those pictures were not misleading – it has some lovely jungle dec… (more)

RAZ Escape Room

Pristina, Mar 2020

Rated between 2 and 2.5 out of 5
At time of writing, RAZ Escape Room is the only escape room in Kosovo. It also has an intimidatingly back to basics website – the home page greets you with a booking form, there’s no information on the game’s theme, and you only get the full street a… (more)

DarkPark Zoetermeer: The End

Zoetermeer, Jan 2020

Rated 5 out of 5
I do wonder about the state of mind of the person who designed a game as wickedly twisted as The End. But whatever is wrong with their head, it’s wrong in a very, very good way, because The End is a work of genius that I absolutely loved.
I’m not en… (more)

Down The Hatch: Flight 815

Voorburg, Jan 2020

Rated between 4.5 and 5 out of 5
With my usual carelessness about the details of the games in booking myself into, I completely failed to realise that Flight 815 is an escape room inspired by the TV series Lost, figuring that out only about halfway through the game. It therefore cam… (more)

The Great Escape: The Experiment

Zwolle, Jan 2020

Rated between 4 and 4.5 out of 5
When a game comes highly recommended I tend to add it into the schedule without further question, without worrying about little details such as the theme or story. This can backfire, which is how I found myself explaining to a team who weren’t keen o… (more)

Kamer 237

Uden, Jan 2020

Rated between 4.5 and 5 out of 5
Kamer 237 is based on the horror classic The Shining, a fact that almost caused us to leave it out of our schedule – which would have been a terrible shame, because not only is it an lovely game with some truly memorable moments, it’s also really not… (more)

Kamer 237: De Conciërge

Uden, Jan 2020

Rated between 4 and 4.5 out of 5
A visit to Kamer 237 presents a small logistical challenge, in that their original game is minimum 3 players and The Concierge is designed for exactly two. I recommend finding a way to do both, such as bringing four people and taking turns even if ea… (more)