Tag Archives: Abduction

Abduction: Abduction Enterprises

Barcelona, Mar 2022

Rated between 4.5 and 5 out of 5
I’d originally expected to be able to only fit in one game at Abduction, but after discovering how good their third game was, I was delighted we’d managed to add their fourth to the schedule. The name Enterprises might not give away what the theme is… (more)

Abduction: The Exam

Barcelona, Mar 2022

Rated between 4.5 and 5 out of 5
Abduction helpfully number their games, and so The Exam is Abduction 3; this does not mean that it’s a sequel or that you need to have played its predecessors, and it has nothing to do with an abduction. The premise is instead, very simply, a test of… (more)