
Played: 7 Sep 2024 Team size: 6 Time taken: 60

I loved this game, mixed age group and all of us had a blast! The puzzles are really satisfying to solve and lots to do, nice that there is no ā€œescapeā€ hosting was spot on. My new favourite game 

cleverimmersivestory-drivenquite difficult

Amazing set fun puzzles I loved this game so much one of my favs 

Time taken: 60 Outcome: Failed :-(
unoriginalquite difficult

Played the greatest bank heist and I found it was so much like the one in Nottingham but not as good! It didnā€™t flow as well the puzzles were ok but we got a lot of help even tho we didnā€™t ask for it 

Iā€™m not super experienced played about 17 games but I didnā€™t really enjoy