Escape rooms in Bavaria

By | May 21, 2021
Outside the UK we only list games for which we have ratings / reviews - this is only a selection of the escape games available.

AdventureRooms München Munich

Diamantenfieber🖥digitalDE only
Lost Christmas🖥digitalDE only
Rated 4 out of 5 Heiliger Gral2 copies

Befreyung Freyung

Der magische Rätseltisch🎲other play at homeDE only120-240 minsmobile

Escape Room Allgäu - The Secret Key Oberstdorf

Die Bauernstubecurrently unavailableDE only
Rated 6 out of 5 Die Schatzkammercurrently unavailableDE only
Rated 5 out of 5 Das Ingenieurbürocurrently unavailableDE only

Exit The Matrix Regensburg

Doors of Perceptioncurrently unavailableDE only
Dr. Victor Ridalgocurrently unavailableDE only
Exit the Matrixcurrently unavailableDE only

Exit The Room Munich Munich

Rated between 4 and 8 out of 5 Prison50 mins
Rated between 3 and 7 out of 5 Bomb50 mins
Rated 4 out of 5 Murder50 mins
Rated between 3 and 4 out of 5 Madness50 mins
Rated 4 out of 5 Wizard50 mins
Rated 3 out of 5 Lost50 mins
Rated 2 out of 5 Excalibur50 mins

Final Quest Escape Games Rednitzhembach

Der HutmacherDE only80-120 minsmobile
Mord im HerrenhausDE only80-120 minsmobile
Murias ErbeDE only80-120 minsmobile

Hotel Fronfeste Amberg

Prison EscapeDE only60-70 mins

House of Riddle Günzburg

Rated 8 out of 5 Zimmer 217closing soonDE only
Rated between 6 and 7 out of 5 Die Piratenbuchtclosing soon
Showing 50 of 75 venues