You’ve heard the rumours of a priceless secret found by Sir Henry Cunningham – and of its fate in his hands.If only you could re-discover its source, and may be exploit it for yourselves… Re-tracing Sir Henry’s steps, you’ve found a cave at the foot of a rumbling volcano. It may be the entrance to the lost realm of the Leopard People where Sir Henry witnessed their sacred rituals all those years ago. Dare you enter? Can you unravel the hidden ways to delve further into the heart of the mountain? Will you finally wrest the prize from the mountain’s grasp and escape?
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Played: 16 Feb 2025Team size: 2Time taken: 66.00Outcome: Successful escape!
value for moneyhi-techmagicalvery difficult
Beautiful, high tech room with nothing illogical once you’ve figured it out. Lots to do in the time limit so would recommend 3 or 4 people.
Felt like clues were coming very fast, understand this was due to our slow start however sometimes we were already in the middle of doing what the clue said to do which put a dampener on a few successes.
We escaped but were over the time limit. Really grateful for the host for letting us do that and experience the final element of the game.
My favourite game at this venue, I do love a sense of adventure, the chance to let loose my inner Indiana Jones if you will! Exploration is key in this game and some of the hightech puzzles feature elements I'd never seen before. Again, this is mostly non-linear but the puzzles are excellent throughout.
Team size: 4Time taken: 45 mins ishOutcome: Successful escape!
beautifulhi-techimmersivequite difficult
This was a fun game with an impressive set. Each puzzle took a bit of time to figure out making it feel rewarding when we solved things. There were some cool tech elements. At one point we had to manually help something out that should have been automatic, but the gm radioed us to let us know that. I think this room will be a hit with people who’ve played quite a few before and are happy to jump right into puzzles without too much direction. Great fun.