Locked Room: Metro

By | January 28, 2020

by Locked Room (website)

Király Utca 14


2-6 players

60 minutes

The settings’ resemblance to an actual Budapest subway station is almost flawless, and with all the technical wow-factors. It's an amazing room but if you have never played ER before our slightly easier missions offers a better first-experience.
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Overall rating

Rated between 3 and 4.5 out of 5

based on ratings from 5 users
combined with 4 pro reviews

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Player reviews

LR experienced rated this:Rated between 3 and 3 out of 5
Played: 22 Nov 2022 Team size: 2 Outcome: Successful escape!
beautifulquite easy

Game was very cool visually, set in a mock of a metro station complete with a metro car. The puzzles were quite simple but it was fun to do.

Riot Games rated this:Rated between 4.5 and 4.5 out of 5
Team size: 3 Outcome: Successful escape!
Zseniális díszlet, a tervezés aprólékos részleteire való tiszta figyelemmel - nagyon ügyes. Valóban úgy éreztem, hogy a feladványokat beleszőtték a díszletbe, nemcsak rájuk pakolták, ami nagyszerűen magával ragadóvá tette. A színházi elemek tovább fokozták ezt, nagyon hangulatos volt! Anélkül, hogy túlságosan elárulnám a játékot, különösen nagyszerű munkát végeztek a végén, és határozottan érezni lehetett a történettel járó feszültséget. Bár a menet lineáris, mégis van annyi teendő, hogy senki se álljon csak tétlenül, vagy zavarja a másikat.-Brilliant set with clear attention to detail in the design - very clever. I really felt like they had blended the puzzles into the set rather than just adding them on top which made it wonderfully immersive. The theatrical elements built this up too, it was very atmospheric throughout and everything was so in-keeping with the theme. Without spoiling things too much, they do a particularly great job of this towards the end and you definitely feel the tension that goes with the story. Linear running flow but there’s enough to do that no one was left standing around or working on top of each other.
Dani Rose Forder expert rated this:Rated between 3 and 3 out of 5
Played: 14 Dec 2022 Team size: 2 Time taken: 53 Outcome: Successful escape!

Shot ourselves in the foot by ignoring some text written in Hungarian as we assumed it was only the English parts we needed, so massively overcomplicated a puzzle which took up loads of our time. Otherwise some good puzzles and great design, 

Anonymous expert rated this:Rated between 4 and 4 out of 5
Joe Brown expert rated this:Rated between 3.5 and 3.5 out of 5
Played: 12/1/20 Team size: 4
A few challenging puzzles but mostly a fairly linear short room but with a brilliant set.

Reviews by escape room review sites

A fresh brand from an established company, AROOM seems to be aiming at the premium market and the game we played certainly suggests they’re putting together experiences to match that goal.

Locked Room Budapest- Metro 

October 2023


After our first visit oversees escape rooms in 2022 where we visited Krakow, one city kept coming up again and again in our searches for top European destinations for rooms and we settled on Budapest. What a decision it was as well!

We first visited Locked Room to take on Metro. The reception area was large enough for groups to sit and chat whilst waiting for their game and one of the team was very excited with the free hot beverages as well. The staff were extremely friendly and welcoming, asking for our advice on escape rooms back home. 

Room impression

The room isn’t massive but the set up and effort that had gone into making it feel like an underground metro station was very impressive. It was one of the best immersive rooms we had seen to date. Yes it did look slightly tired in places, but what metro station doesn’t? As the game progressed the room continued to impress and it really did make us feel like we had to mission to solve under pressure. 


As a team of 4, I would say that any more than 4 would struggle in this game due to the linear approach of the games throughout. There were a couple of points where one or two of us were stood watching but this wasn’t for long and we all did manage to chip in even if we weren’t physically hands on. We struggled ever so slightly to get going even though we knew roughly what to do but we can blame the jet lag for the sluggish start 😉 Once we got going however, we went through the puzzles at a decent speed. Towards the end, there’s a nice little twist which caught us off guard and sent the pulses racing to a bit of a frantic finish, but we all enjoyed really enjoyed it.

Game Master Clues

There is a digital clock on the wall to keep an eye on your time and the only budge we needed, came up on a TV on the wall which was on a loop of news bulletins etc and it notified us with a noise when the hint came up.

Round Up

With this being the first of 5 games we attempted in a couple of days in Budapest, we weren’t too sure what to expect, it is the home of the original escape room! Well, we were very glad we tried Locked as our first point ion call. There are 2 sites in Budapest with a combined total of 14 rooms to choose from. Metro is a very good start to dip your toe in and experience what Budapest bas to offer.

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