In early 1980’s an international team of scientists was trying to explain what lies behind a phenomenon generally called “POLTERGEIST”. This name was given to all sorts of combined paranormal events, such as strange loud noises with no apparent source, telekinetic moves or strong fluctuations of the electromagnetic field. After some time, scientists found out that these strange events often appeared near a certain type of sensible persons. Several of them were chosen to take part in a top-secret experiment, where the researchers injected them with a special substance to stimulate paranormal events. Some claimed, that after receiving this stimulant, the “specimens” were able to somehow connect our world with its paranormal counterpart and thus gained special abilities at the cost of their own sanity. The goal of the “Project Poltergeist” was to exploit this knowledge for military purposes.
However, in the secret research facility located somewhere in Prague, things started to get out of hands. For some reason, the entire project was prematurely terminated. Soon, it became obvious that nobody made it out of the facility alive, but the government just claimed that nothing like “Poltergeist facility” ever existed in the first place. For many years, nobody could be sure this whole project was not just another urban legend. Just until a strange walled-up iron door was found…
Will you gather your courage to investigate a place filled with paranormal events? Will you learn the truth about an extraordinary scientific experiment or will you join those who found their death in the Poltergeist facility?
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Amazing experience if you like to get a good scare. Definitely the most scary escape room experience I've ever had. Everything was so well planned out... The timing of the jump scares, how the light and mechanics worked beautifully together. You felt like you were inside a real scary movie.
We were two players and it was perfect. The puzzles were at a really good difficulty (not too hard) because everything becomes so much more difficult when you run around in the darkness filled with anxiety.
Do yourself a favor and try this escape room out... But be prepared to get scared a lot!
The game masters were Sarah and Kuba and they were both amazing! Thanks for giving us such a unique experience.
Bloody terrifying. Enormous in space, immersion is second to none, and the fun puzzles were just a distraction from being scared to death. The hosting was incredible, and the ending was unique and chilling. Also, I’ve never seen my wife so scared in her life so big thumbs up! 😂 In our top 3 for Prague, it’s unmissable.
Nach schon einigen Horror-Räumen, die ich mittlerweile gespielt habe, waren meine Erwartungen hinsichtlich eines Thrill-Levels vor dem Spielen des Raums nicht allzu hoch. Da die Räume der Code-Agency aber erfahrungsgemäß immer durch ein qualitatives Spieldesign überzeugen und mir dieser Raum noch fehlte, buchte ich ihn mit einem Freund, der noch gar keine Horror-Erfahrung hatte. Uns beiden hat der Raum viel Spaß gemacht, auch wenn er - typischer für das Genre - eher wenige Rätsel enthält. Das Hosting und die Story waren allerdings überzeugend und ganz besonders hat mich gefreut, dass das Schauspiel ein paar Extra-Momente für uns eingebaut hat, die den Scare-Factor deutlich erhöht haben. Wenn ihr also im Horror-Genre erfahren seid, kann ich euch nur empfehlen, das im Vorhinein bei der Buchung mitzuteilen. Es gibt durchaus Variationsspielräume bei der Einbindung des Schauspiels, die in die intensivierende oder abmildernde Richtung genutzt werden können. Wir hatten folglich sehr viel KONTAKT zum Poltergeist - zu meiner Freude und zur gleichzeitigen Herausforderung meines Kumpels. Diese Spieler:innenorientierung zeugt von einer erfreulichen Professionalität des Anbieters! 🙂
In a city famous for escape rooms, Poltergeist is one of the most famous, and famous for being scary. It has the alternative name Haunted House 2, but is a stand-alone game; the company’s Haunted House 1 is at the same address but has no narrative links.
Poltergeist aims to scare you, and it shouldn’t be a spoiler to say that it involves live acting. From the lightly immersive intro, you’re plunged into ominous surroundings that are only the start of an expansive and very atmospheric set. In ou...
One of the best rooms I’ve played in spite of a scary theme and the stand out game in Prague. Be warned, though, this game is not for the faint-hearted…
Direkt im Anschluss von "Es ist zurück" ging es in ein im Keller liegendes verlassenes Forschungslabor. Dort unten angekommen waren wir nicht alleine... wir wurden gejagt und konnten gerade noch so entkommen!