Category Archives: International

Fox in a Box: Bunker 17

Munich, Aug 2017

Rated 4 out of 5
Fox in a Box has grown into a significant international franchise, but until now I’d never quite managed to play one of their rooms. The branch in Munich seemed like a good chance to change that, and we booked into their Bunker 17 game.
The bunker i… (more)

Escape Room: The Mummy

Tallinn, Jul 2017

Rated between 2.5 and 3 out of 5
With a couple of hours spare before leaving Tallinn, naturally we squeezed in one final escape game, and the only venue who could provide a game in the narrow time window we had available was Escape Room, who we’d visited on a previous trip. The only… (more)

Claustrophobia: Gravity

Tallinn, Jul 2017

Rated 4.5 out of 5
A year ago I visited Tallinn’s Claustrophobia branch and saw the beginnings of their Gravity game under construction. It sounded so remarkable and unique that this year while playing games in Riga, we tacked on a return visit to Tallinn expressly to … (more)

Reality Game: Radiation

Tallinn, Jul 2017

Rated 3 out of 5
The game begins with a briefing about an upcoming terror attack on a power station. Terrorists plan to send the facility critical and so trigger an explosion.
In the first room, however, you discover that the power station is in low power mode. We q… (more)

Imaginaris: Shambala

Tallinn, Jul 2017

Rated between 2.5 and 4 out of 5
The year is 1969. You and your team of surveyors have been stranded in the Himalayas without any equipment. Whilst seeking shelter you come across an isolated hut and decide to shelter… and stumble upon the fabled “Shambala”.
After the initial cha… (more)

Real Quest: Breaking Bad

Riga, Jul 2017

Rated 2.5 out of 5
The room’s decoration is not awful, and reminiscent of that episode. If you’ve seen Breaking Bad, you know what I mean. If you haven’t, don’t worry. As episodes go, it does lend itself to an escape room, but unfortunately the room itself reall… (more)

Real Quest: Abandoned Research Complex

Riga, Jul 2017

Rated between 3.5 and 4 out of 5
Abandoned Research Complex has a rather generic name that doesn’t entirely do justice to its premise. In a post-apocalypse world your group of survivors are in an underground bunker, which – whoops! – contains a bomb that’s due to detonate in one hou… (more)