Lovushka Kvest: Сокровище нации

By | May 22, 2024

This game may not be available in English - check with the venue

by Lovushka Kvest (website)

Katartal 2 Street 60, 100096, Tashkent, Toshkent Shahri


2-5 players

Languages: RU

60 minutes

RU only
Вы — профессиональные охотники за реликвиями. Недавно вы узнали, что в одном из музеев города N выставлен экспонат, за которым вы охотились долгие годы. Вы решаетесь на дерзкое ограбление. Но для начала, отправляете на разведку одного из команды, который оказывается предателем, решившим провернуть все дело в одиночку.
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As far as I could ascertain, there are no escape rooms in Tashkent that can be played in English - the primary language used in the game is Russian. Lovushka Kvest was the only company that I got a reply from, and they made it clear that some materials would use Russian language, but if we wanted to try playing they had no objections. Our host spoke fairly decent English, which was encouraging; I also persuaded them to let me take my phone in, against their normal rules, so that I could use Goog...

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