Escape rooms in Münster By escapethereview | June 5, 2021 0 Comment Outside the UK we only list games for which we have ratings / reviews - this is only a selection of the escape games available. Münster, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany, EuropeShow:🏆 toptop companiesa-z AdventureBox Münster Jäger des verlorenen GrabesDE only ImpossibleDE only Projekt VakiumDE only Carpe Noctem: Flucht aus Alisoclosing soonDE only Das Elixier der MachtDE onlydifferent Der Fall BergmannDE onlydifferent Operation FuchsjagdDE only120-180 minsfor kidsdifferentDer Löwe von Münster Der Löwe von Münsterselected dates onlyDE onlymobileTeam Escape Münster Tales of a Treasure Hunter2 copies The Blood Diamonds of Rabuun