Farm Escape Tornio: Animal Escape Game

By | September 6, 2022

by Farm Escape Tornio (website)

Mustajärventie 456, 95540 Tornio


2-10 players

Languages: EN, FI, SV

60 minutes

The escape game will be inside the stable with real animals. It depends on the farm which kind of animals they have so check the page of each farm to check what kind of animal actors they have!

During the game players will open stalls and free little and adorable animals, for example bunnies, chickens and ducks.

The game takes 60 minutes and is played in a group of at least 2 people. The maximum amount of players depents on the farm, so check that from their pages.

The animal escape game is suitable for all ages and small children can participate accompanied by an adult. There is no limit for hints, so also first-timers and kids have good chances of getting out in time.

You can exit the room anytime during the game through a door which is not locked. During the game you can go to the latrine or just take the break outside when ever you want and others will keep on playing the game.

The game is played in the animal’s terms, respecting the animals and their home and without hurrying. 

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Other copies of this game in other locations:(Different copies of the same game sometimes have significant differences.)