Embark on a family adventure where the forces of nature have gone awry. Unite the powers of Fire, Earth, Water, and Air alongside your loved ones. Assemble the mystical masonic eye, and only then can you restore harmony and collect the ruby, to find your way back to the world you know.
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Player reviews
Anonymous expert rated this:
Outcome: Successful escape!
poor hosting
This game has huge potential but unfortunately for us items were not reset properly and resulted in us having to leave the game half way through so the gamesmaster could reset. After reset we continued however many of the maglocks had dropped meaning that we were pushing them closed as we came across them. The idea and concept of this game is really, really good but having to leave the game midway through ruined our experience. We also found it quite untidy in places, offcuts of small building materials left in rooms which perhaps should have been hoovered up. Again a team photo was taken but was not sent to us or uploaded to facebook.