Bowl’n’Fun Odense: Saw – Escape from the Jigsaw Killer

By | October 25, 2021

This game may not be available in English - check with the venue

by Bowl'n'Fun Odense (website)

Grønløkken 3, 5000 Odense


Languages: DA

60 minutes

DA only

Du befinder dig i et mørkt rum, du kan intet se? Pludselig hører du en stemme, der siger: “Lad os spille et spil”. Dette er begyndelsen på dit værste mareridt! 
Du er fanget midt i et rum af mystiske gåder sammen med en gruppe af dine venner – og alt er i mod jer. Det eneste I kan gøre for at overleve er at følge stemmens vanvittige mission og finde det rette øjeblik til at slippe fri! Skynd jer, tiden løber ud?

Dette rum er inspireret af den verdenskendte filmserie Saw og vil helt sikkert vække alle dine overlevelsesinstinkter.

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Provisionally rated 2.5 out of 5 (estimated, based on ratings for other versions of this game)

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Player reviews

Christoph expert rated this:

Vorsicht: das ist das gleiche Spiel wie "saw" im Alma Park! 

Reviews by escape room review sites

The fourth and last adventure played with the hosts of GameOver Florence. The story is well known and the plot is too inflated in the ER world. In the other side, it’s interesting to note the different representations that the various ER providers give; GameOver preferred to focus on the horror-psychological side, with sadistic and splatter traits.

The choice of using the first-generation room seemed to be very appropriate. The game logic is linear and, inside the room, there is a digital column, which you can ask for suggestions on puzzles every 10 minutes, with two different levels of help.

Had to try!

See also

Other copies of this game in other locations:(Different copies of the same game sometimes have significant differences.)