Another highly immersive game designed by the team at Riddlr. Step back in time to 1986 - Face a snarky Zoltar machine - Direct Pac Man through a maze - Answer the Troll's riddles in Zork - all this and more in a beautifully presented room with a great 80's themed soundtrack. Can you and your team race through this gratuitous eighties-fest and escape back to the present day?
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Team size: 2Time taken: 59Outcome: Successful escape!
originalgood themeillogicalquite difficult
I can only imagine how disappointing it is for the creator of this one, who probably thought they'd found a clever little atmospheric addition to their room, to be told repeatedly in reviews that it dates from the mid-90's. 😀 It does add to the authenticity of it smelling like a teenage bedroom though, so while a bit potent, I appreciate the effort.
My Husband and I disagreed on this one, I quite enjoyed it, he wasn't quite so keen. He found a couple of the puzzles quite frustrating and the music a bit too loud. I on the other hand quite enjoyed bopping around to the soundtrack and spotting all the 80's references. Some of the puzzles require a bit of a leap in logic, it's not the easiest room we've ever played but we did get to the end of it.
Wonderful theming was the main plus in a room that has a couple of samey puzzles, and in which what would have probably been the best puzzle was unfortunately broken! These things happen, and the guys at Riddlr were accommodating and remedied the issue, but it hurt the experience. With that puzzle working it's probably a three and a half or four star room, but it is what it is.
The main problem for me with this 80s themed room is the terrible 90s odour. Maybe I’ve just got a sensitive sense of smell though - others might not be so bothered by it. Also weird is the ‘clue’ system used by this company where the stages to work through are written right there on the wall. Kind of takes away all the mystery of figuring things out for yourself!
Played: 23 Feb 2024Team size: 5Time taken: 38:55Outcome: Successful escape!
originalfamily friendlyillogicalquite difficult
Overall we liked this room, but there was one puzzle that really stumped us - we ended up using a clue, figured out the rest of the answer and then at the end of the room asked for an explanation - the host then had to give us a written explanation to properly explain. The whole thing kinda threw off the experience but I think could easily be adjusted to make it clearer to players! The set was really cool, there were some good puzzles that we enjoyed working through too. I think this room would be tough for a two player team as there some time consuming things (one that just required a lot of trial and error) that I think might be a bit frustrating with a smaller team? I think this is a good room but it could be improved a little. It was fun though!
Played: 17 Jun 2023Team size: 3Time taken: 50.30Outcome: Successful escape!
originalfamily friendlyquite easy
Enjoyed this room, possibly in places it was too linear, it felt like there wasn't a huge amount of "suspense" and not quite as clever as all their other rooms however it's still a good one to do! 🙂
Played: October 22Team size: 2Outcome: Successful escape!
We loved this room. From the second we walked in I felt like I had transported back in time to my childhood. I would have liked to have stayed in the room just looking around, but obviously the whole point was to try and get out as quickly as possible.
They also had a very unique clue system which I have not seen before.
I wish this was a 90 minute room, simply so I could have had more time to enjoy the space. This game was challenging but I loved every minute spent in it. Best game in Bristol? I think so.