by Escape Welt Leipzig (website)
Oststraße 20, Ecke Josephinenstr., 04317
£28.00 €32.99
Languages: EN, DE
45-60 mins
So…what is the mysterious Space Box? The Space Box holds various puzzles which are to designed to be solved in a step by step process. To solve these puzzles, you will be needing some good old team spirit, bounds of creativity and the logical skills to crack these clever combinations. With every cracked code, your team inches a little closer to the ultimate goal: to open the Space Box and reveal its hidden secret. Be warned, though: this is not a game of chance. Only intense concentration and razor-sharp logic can elicit the secret from the almighty Space Box!
Cracked it? Not worry - there are two separate secret rooms in the Space Box, so you can continue the puzzling fun!
Overall rating

based on ratings from 2 users
Your review
Player reviews

I would have loved to give this a higher score but some of the parts didn't really work and even when you had the right combination having to make sleight adjustments over and over again for it to open, it felt like the tolerance where around 1/10 of a millimeter. If this had been working and not always having to been in doubt that you got it wrong since triple checking that the combination was right didn't help.
Liked a lot of the puzzles and there where some good surprises in there.
Would I recommend this: No (good puzzle but broken tech)