by NoWayOut Vienna (website)
Rauhensteingasse 7, 1010
2-6 players
Languages: EN, DE
60 minutes
In the early 20th century, Gustav Klimt introduced to the world the most famous Austrian painting - "The Kiss". Right now it is exhibited at Belvedere for millions of visitors every year. Imagine that on a beautiful summer evening you are walking beside the fence of the Palace and by accident discover the secret door. It leads you into the galleries of many well-known artists. It is your chance to steal a relic that will shock the world!
Is your team skilled enough to get ownership over the famous art and escape without being caught? Experience the savvy of the robber! Cunning obstacles are there at every step of heist of the century!
t is the only chance to steal the masterpiece from Belvedere Palace! Secret doors, lasers, and new riddles are there to test your skills!
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