You’ll enter Professor E.’s room. Professor E. had to go very quickly and without attracting attention. He had to leave so fast he couldn’t find somebody who could continue his work. There are lots of candidates but he needs the best of the best. The Professor asked Mrs. Taylor, his assistant for help.
In order to prove your skills you have one thing to do: Escape from Professor E.’s room.
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This was the first game I ever played, way back in 2015, maybe? It's definitely not as immersive as many others in Nottingham, but requires a nice bit of teamwork, and I can still remember many of the puzzles, which says something!
A science-themed room with minimal decoration but some solid puzzles that were loosely themed around science. A solid game that won't amaze but won't frustrate either.
As part of a Hen Weekend in Nottingham, we organised an afternoon at an Escape Room. Or rather THREE rooms at one Escape Room Provider.
Overall, with a score of 20, and 3 and a half stars, Made in Stein is a challenging yet interesting room, with variation in puzzles that will keep you thinking from start to finish. We liked how everything came together and how the story progressed the further you got into the room and sometimes the smallest of details is really what you need to keep an eye out for.