Category Archives: UK

Clue HQ: The Betrayal of Cluetankhamun

Wirral, Sep 2018

Rated 3.5 out of 5
Two of the many things I’ve learned from escape games are: if you enter an ancient tomb it’s certain to be trapped and/or cursed; and any such trap or curse will take precisely sixty minutes to take effect. Clue HQ’s Egyptian theme is one of their mo… (more)

Clue HQ: Detonation

Wirral, Sep 2018

Rated 3.5 out of 5
Many of Clue HQ’s games share a recurring villain by the name of Danny Badd, and Detonation’s premise is straightforward: you’re trapped in a building that this scoundrel has rigged to blow up. Fortunately, he’s a villain with a sense of sportsmanshi… (more)