Author Archives: escapethereview

Puzzle Room: Score-settling

Online, May 2021

Rated 3.5 out of 5
The game name might have lost something in translation from the Portuguese; I didn’t notice much score-settling going on. Instead, the story is that you’re helping a young guy escape from the hideout of a notorious motorcycle gang before they return…. (more)

Escape Kent: The Haunting

Canterbury, Jun 2021

Rated 4 out of 5
It’s often hard to know when booking a game with a spooky theme whether it’s going to be mildly creepy or sixty minutes of terror. But most nervous players should be fine with The Haunting – the fear factor here shouldn’t go above a degree of apprehe… (more)

Exit: The Sacred Temple

Room-in-a-box, Jul 2021

Rated 3.5 out of 5
EXIT’s puzzle games are endlessly creative within a very tightly defined format, and while the difficulty level and theming vary, once you’ve played one you know what you’ll get from another. Except that The Sacred Temple takes the range in a whole n… (more)

The 50 best escape rooms in the UK 2021

Which were the UK’s best escape rooms in 2021? This list is based on many thousands of ratings from players of all levels of experience, as well as all the main UK escape room bloggers and reviewers, blended together by the Escape The Review algorithm; and as of the end of Dec 2021, these are… Read More »

Beyond Breakout: An Elfin Mistake

Online, Dec 2021

Rated 3.5 out of 5
The second of only two Christmas pop-ups I played this year, An Elfin Mistake is available for in-person play, but since I didn’t have the chance to nip over to Wales I played it as a remote avatar game; and on careful consideration, that might actua… (more)

TimeQuest: Elf Magic 2: The Santa Clause

Tonbridge, Nov 2021

Rated 3.5 out of 5
I’ll admit to being a natural Grinch on whom the joys of Christmas spirit are largely wasted, and so I normally only play one or two festive games each year; TimeQuest’s was my only such physical room for the 2021 season, so I was glad to find it was… (more)

Swamp Motel: The Drop

London, Nov 2021

Rated 4 out of 5
Swamp Motel will be familiar to many enthusiasts from their Isklander trilogy of online games released during lockdowns, starting with Plymouth Point; they’ve now moved from the internet to the real world, and The Drop is a physical escape room / imm… (more)