The X-Door Alicante: Cain

The X-Door Alicante: Caín

By | May 26, 2022

This game may not be available in English - check with the venue

by The X-Door Alicante (website)

C. Duque de Zaragoza, 2, entlo izda, 03002 Alicante


2-6 players

Languages: ES

ES only
80 mins
The future of the human race is at stake. The latest studies indicate that the planet Earth will cease to be habitable within 50 years. The major world powers have sent a spacecraft to the only planet that seems to have the necessary conditions for human life, but the control command on Earth has lost contact and seems to have deviated from its path. You are going to be teleported to the ship to try to find out what has happened and bring it back to its destination…
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Overall rating

Rated 4 out of 5 (estimated, based on ratings for other versions of this game)

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Sala Enigma offers a well-designed spaceship scenario in Cain, which is very coherent for the most part, and the puzzles are also convincing. Especially the first 15 minutes of the game remain in our memory, in which we had to communicate with each other and then, of course, the moment when we stepped out of the space capsules. We recommend Cain for space-faring teams of 2-4 people with a medium experience level. 

See also

Other copies of this game in other locations:(Different copies of the same game sometimes have significant differences.)