Escape rooms in Kassel By escapethereview | August 11, 2020 0 Comment Outside the UK we only list games for which we have ratings / reviews - this is only a selection of the escape games available. Kassel, Hesse, Germany, EuropeShow:🏆 toptop companiesa-z GameCompanyGameRatingLockbusters: Jungle Questclosing soonDE onlyLockbustersJungle Questclosing soonDE only EXITgameKassel: Atlantis - Abenteuer der NautilusDE only90 minsEXITgameKasselAtlantis - Abenteuer der NautilusDE only90 mins Lockbusters: Oriental Nightsclosing soonDE onlyLockbustersOriental Nightsclosing soonDE only Games that have not yet been ratedGameCompanyGameEXITgameKassel: Jack the Ripper - Die Jagd90 minsEXITgameKasselJack the Ripper - Die Jagd90 minsEXITgameKassel: Saving Snow White90 minsEXITgameKasselSaving Snow White90 minsLockbusters: Tiki-Timeclosing soonDE onlyLockbustersTiki-Timeclosing soonDE only