Escape rooms in Copenhagen

By | March 20, 2019
Outside the UK we only list games for which we have ratings / reviews - this is only a selection of the escape games available.

Virtualscape: The Dagger Of TimeDA onlyvirtual reality
The Dagger Of TimeDA onlyvirtual reality
Provisionally rated 4.5 out of 5 (estimated, based on ratings for other versions of this game)
Virtualscape: HuxleyDA onlyvirtual reality
HuxleyDA onlyvirtual reality
Rated 4 out of 5 (estimated, based on ratings for other versions of this game)
Beyond Medusa's GateDA onlyvirtual reality
Rated between 3 and 4 out of 5 (estimated, based on ratings for other versions of this game)
Virtualscape: CyberpunkDA onlyvirtual reality
CyberpunkDA onlyvirtual reality
Provisionally rated between 3 and 4 out of 5 (estimated, based on ratings for other versions of this game)
Virtualscape: ChernobylDA onlyvirtual reality
ChernobylDA onlyvirtual reality
Provisionally rated 3.5 out of 5 (estimated, based on ratings for other versions of this game)
Virtualscape: AliceDA onlyvirtual reality
AliceDA onlyvirtual reality
Rated between 1.5 and 4 out of 5 (estimated, based on ratings for other versions of this game)

Games that have not yet been rated

Virtualscape: ChristmasDA onlyvirtual reality
ChristmasDA onlyvirtual reality
Virtualscape: House of FearDA onlyvirtual reality
House of FearDA onlyvirtual reality
Virtualscape: Jungle QuestDA onlyvirtual reality
Jungle QuestDA onlyvirtual reality
Virtualscape: Mission SigmaDA onlyvirtual reality
Mission SigmaDA onlyvirtual reality
Virtualscape: SanctumDA onlyvirtual reality
SanctumDA onlyvirtual reality
Virtualscape: Signal LostDA onlyvirtual reality
Signal LostDA onlyvirtual reality
Virtualscape: SurvivalDA onlyvirtual reality
SurvivalDA onlyvirtual reality
Virtualscape: The PrisonDA onlyvirtual reality
The PrisonDA onlyvirtual reality

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