Hämmennys: The Dagger Of Time

By | September 7, 2022

This game may not be available in English - check with the venue

by Hämmennys (website)

Haapaniemenkatu 38, 70100 Kuopio


2-4 players

Languages: FI

60 minutes

FI only
virtual reality
Prince of Persia – The Dagger of Time vie teidät keskelle muinaista temppeliä, jossa apunanne on mm. aikaa hallitseva tikari. Tätä kolmatta osaa suosittelemme jo ennenkin pelanneille.
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Provisionally rated 4.5 out of 5 (estimated, based on ratings for other versions of this game)

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Player reviews

The Escape Roomer blogger rated this:Rated between 5 and 5 out of 5
Played: 18/10/2020 Team size: 2 Time taken: 1hr 7 mins

The Dagger of Time is HERE! After being teased quite early in 2020 (before *gestures at the world* all this happened), it finally launched this month at ClueQuest! After dabbing our way to victory through Escape the Lost Pyramid back in 2019, I was pleasantly pleased to say the dabbing mechanic is the same … No, improved in The Dagger of Time!

See also

Other versions of this game:Other copies of this game in other locations:(Different copies of the same game sometimes have significant differences.)