Viides linja 2, 00530 Helsinki
2-6 players
Languages: EN, FI
60 minutes
Doctor Zhultz has dedicated his life to finding out the secrets of the universe. He has made discoveries that would revolutionize our understanding of the universe. Doctor Zhultz has studied our reality from an unique vantage point utilizing his deep knowledge in astronomy, geology, chemistry and mathematics.
Doctor is about to publish his finding to the world, but before he can do that some unknown group of people kidnap him undoubtedly because they want the secrets only to themselves.
Only option remaining is to find the doctor’s research and publish it before his kidnappers can make use of it. What doctor Zhultz has found out is not known, but he did say that the discovery is so significant and dangerous that it can’t be in the hands of just one group of people.
Overall rating