Escape Arena Essen: Journey of the Ring

Escape Arena Essen: Das Ring Abenteuer

By | February 15, 2022

by Escape Arena Essen (website)

Lindenallee 77, 45127 Essen


2-8 players

Languages: EN, DE

60 minutes

Für Fans von J.R.R. Tolkien´s Fantasy-Epos „Der Herr der Ringe“.

Wartet nicht länger auf Gandalf, der an eure Tür klopft. Startet jetzt euer eigenes Abenteuer. Wählt euren Ringträger und betretet diesen einzigartigen Raum, mit der Mission den Ring zu zerstören! Ihr habt 60 Minuten Zeit, um aus dem Auenland bis zum Schicksalsberg zu gelangen.

Getreu dem Motto von Gandalf: „Wir müssen nur entscheiden, was wir mit der Zeit anfangen wollen, die uns gegeben ist.“

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Overall rating

Rated 2 out of 5

based on ratings from 2 users
combined with 2 pro reviews

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Player reviews

Frauke expert rated this:Rated between 3 and 3 out of 5
Played: 9 Jul 2022 Team size: 2 Outcome: Successful escape!
Anonymous rated this:Rated between 5 and 5 out of 5

Reviews by escape room review sites

The design starts from the outside which invites you to discover the room. It has some beautiful and magic seeming elements that fit the theme. Not a very big room, but it manages to fit inside it a story that doesn’t have the goal of escaping (it is the case for a lot of rooms now).

See also

Other copies of this game in other locations:(Different copies of the same game sometimes have significant differences.)