by Hotel Trapped (website)
Niels Bohrs Vej 3D, 6000 Kolding
2-6 players
Languages: EN, DA
60 minutes
Det var i Værelse 13 den store Brand begyndte i 1919, Branden der ødelagde store dele af Det Gamle Hotel Kolding Tower og forsagede 52 menneskers død, baade Gæster og Ansatte, Voksne og Børn. Ved den langvarige opbygning af Hotellet, forsøgte man af flere omgange at genopføre Værelse 13, men det var umuligt og flere personer forsvandt sporløst derinde og da mange mente at Værelset var ondt, blev det lukket af og forseglet omhyggeligt. Værelse 13 skulle efter sigende ogsaa have en hemmelig forbindelse til det Gamle Sindssyge Hospital, som ellers blev lukket i 1895.
Hotel Direktøren fortæller ligeledes: "Vi har ikke haft overnattende Gæster i Værelse 13 siden Branden... Ikke frivilligt i hvert fald"
Overall rating

based on ratings from 1 user
Your review
Player reviews

I'm still shaking from this scary room.
Actors, disappearing lights, loud sounds and a scary story were the main ingredients in this physical room in Kolding. The whole hotel including the lobby is very well done and we were greeted by a man in costume. He later showed us their old piano, that could play by itself.
The room (room 13) was haunted by the devil and it had quests you had to do to do related to this. Upturned crosses and lots of searching in a dimly lit room with lots of noise. We liked the feedback we got from each puzzle and there was only one traditional lock in the room (and since you didn't have to do all the tasks before moving on, we didn't even get to unlock that lock).
You did have to crawl a bit, so not the best choice of room for us since one of us is challenged by these kind of things (crawling, jumping, climbing).
We think this room can only be played in Danish. Intro video and all hints were in Danish.