Lucardo Manchester: Espionage 360

By | March 30, 2021

by Lucardo Manchester (website)

Virginia House, 5-7 Great Ancoats Street, M4 5AD



Player review

Review by Anne expert

Rated between 35 and 35 out of 5
Played: 14 Sep 2021 Team size: 2

Find the classified documents in the enemy bunker and get out without going past the guards. 

A traditional (pre)war-time themed escape room. Lots of escape room logic and locks that hid another key, but we didn't mind. Nice puzzles all in all. 

We played this on a Tuesday even though we bought it to play on a Sunday - there was a big delay in delivering the telescape game code. Well, "the best laid schemes..." - we adapted. Really liked how this room was digitized including 360 degrees images of the rooms. Felt like being there and then it didn't matter so much that the room did not have any bells and whistles. 

Though things showed up where they needed to be used there was also an instance of a whole keychain showing up and then you had to try your way through the keys. A nice change that wasn't too tedious. 

A nice game for a Tuesday evening. 

Anne has played 140 games - see all ratings and reviews

See also