2-5 players
Languages: EN, DE
60 minutes
Overall rating

based on ratings from 11 users
combined with 6 pro reviews
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Player reviews

Ein großartiges Spiel für die ganze Familie, mit dem sich den Kindern die deutsche Teilung zur Abwechslung einmal auf eine sehr unterhaltsame Weise etwas näherbringen lässt.
Tolle authentische Ausstattung mit Nostalgiefaktor ("weißt Du noch..?") sowohl im Ost- als auch im Westteil. Sehr abwechslungsreiche und unterhaltsame Rätsel auf mittlerem Niveau. Zu Anfang überwiegt stark eine Suchaufgabe, die sich ziehen kann, falls man etwas übersieht. Zum Glück spürte unser Gamemaster immer sehr genau, wann ein Tipp benötigt wurde, ohne uns den eigenen Rätselspaß wegzunehmen.
Fazit: ein toll inszenierter, sehr unterhaltsamer Raum, aus dem man garantiert besser gelaunt rauskommt als man reingeht!

We are such fans of rooms that embrace local history so were incredibly excited to do this room in Berlin and it didn't disappoint.
The decor was absolutely fantastic and the puzzles were well thought out and on-theme. It was a little search-heavy but all done with care, wit and in keeping with thetheme. There were quirky nods to the era everywhere you look and we had a brilliant time in here.

Whilst not as immersive as the other games at The Room, Go West offers a slightly lighter hearted (albeit the theme isn't!) experience and fans of the 80's will appreciate the details of the room.
Hosting was again excellent, and it is well worth playing along with all the other rooms.
Reviews by escape room review sites
We played the three games at The Room in the order in which they were created, starting with their oldest, in which your goal is to escape from Cold War era East Berlin through to the freedom of the West. That’s a theme that could mean a gritty, serious game, but here is handled with a light touch that combines fun puzzles with 80s nostalgia that encompasses both sides of the Wall.
Go West is definitely less sophisticated and showy than The Room’s other two games. It has a less elaborate set, a...
Go West is just plain fun. The Escape Room manages to take us back to a somewhat different GDR apartment with a wink. Here, former citizens of the German Democratic Republic will surely find one or the other detail from their apartments at that time and become a bit ostalgic.