Category Archives: UK

Lucardo: Espionage

Manchester, Jul 2017

Rated between 2.5 and 3.5 out of 5
Having rattled through the two Lucardo games that we’d booked and finished them well ahead of schedule, the staff kindly managed to squeeze us into a third room despite it being a busy Saturday daytime. Espionage is set in 1938 and has you stealing c… (more)

Lucardo: The Dream

Manchester, Jul 2017

Rated between 3.5 and 4 out of 5
Our second room at Lucardo was set in the subconscious, in a dream that in sixty minutes will turn into a nightmare. Exactly why we were there or why time was limited I’m not sure, but it’s a great theme for a surreal set and unusual ideas, both of w… (more)

Lucardo: Contamination

Manchester, Jul 2017

Rated between 3 and 3.5 out of 5
The first game we played at Lucardo was, of course, the one they describe as their hardest room. The gamemaster told us in the briefing that it’s hard not because the puzzles are unusually difficult but because of their sheer quantity, and that was e… (more)

The Panic Room: Enigma

Harlow, Jul 2017

Rated between 3.5 and 4 out of 5
Enigma is a detective game, set in the Bletchley codebreaking centre where you have to identify a traitor from five possible suspects. I was expecting a World War Two setting, but it uses more modern technology so is present day or recent past. The g… (more)