Author Archives: escapethereview

John Doe: The Prison of Blue Castle

Lille, Jun 2018

Rated 3.5 out of 5
John Doe’s company name comes from their overarching story device, which is that they’re a secret agency whose entire agent roster has recently been compromised; since their professional agents have all been outed, they’re reliant on you, promising m… (more)

Locked: Kubus

Ghent, Jun 2018

Rated 4.5 out of 5
Like Locked’s sister game Labyrint, Kubus is as much art project as escape room. Art is supposed to be challenging, and it’s certainly a challenge to review – what this venue builds is so very unique it can’t really be measured by the criteria I’d ap… (more)

Agent November: Robyn Yew

London, Jun 2018

Rated between 3 and 3.5 out of 5
In a complete break with all precedent, I tried an outdoor escape game on a sunny summer’s day instead of in freezing rain – astonishingly it turns out that that’s a better way to play! This was the first of three games for Agent November’s big 2018 … (more)