Author Archives: escapethereview

LostExit: Kino Úsvit

Prague, Aug 2023

Rated 4.5 out of 5
The escape room industry is always advancing and becoming more sophisticated, so there’s little place for nostalgia, no golden age to look back to, when the cutting edge just keeps improving. Even so, Úsvit Cinema struck me as showcasing several virt… (more)

Mystiqueroom: Cube

Budapest, Aug 2023

Rated between 3.5 and 4 out of 5
I picked Cube for our second game at Mystiqueroom because it was their highest rated, without really knowing what the theme was. As it turned out, the stronger half of the room design clearly takes inspiration from the sci-fi movie of the same name, … (more)

Mystiqueroom: Pirate Bay

Budapest, Aug 2023

Rated between 3 and 3.5 out of 5
There are at least three pirate-themed rooms in Budapest, giving you a choice of Ship, Bay or Cave; Mystiqueroom’s version is the Bay, and we found it visually impressive but a bit temperamental on the puzzle mechanisms.
Our mission was to get the W… (more)

Aroom: Sky Heist

Budapest, Aug 2023

Rated 4 out of 5
Aroom and Locked Room are different venues that are part of the same company and a single website, but Aroom is the one that tends to get the more favourable reviews. I’ve only previously played their zombie theme Deadland, but enjoyed it enough to m… (more)

New UK escape rooms November 2023

The UK might just be the world leader in Christmas escape rooms – they’ve become a tradition here in a way that I’m not sure exists anywhere else. Here are some stats for you:

Co-Decode: Sub Terra

Swindon, Jul 2023

Rated 4.5 out of 5
We may have been the very last team to play Sub Terra in its original location; Co-Decode will be relocating to a more central spot in Swindon, and it’s not yet certain whether Sub Terra will be rebuilt there in quite the same form, or at all. But if… (more)