Tonbridge, Nov 2021
I’ll admit to being a natural Grinch on whom the joys of Christmas spirit are largely wasted, and so I normally only play one or two festive games each year; TimeQuest’s was my only such physical room for the 2021 season, so I was glad to find it was a good one. Elf Magic 2 has you filling in for a kidnapped Santa, sorting out presents to save Christmas.
That’s a familiar sort of plot, and the game is full of familiar elements, drawing on the usual palette of Christmas themes. But it buzzes with cheerful energy, with a steady progression through one lock after another, and a good indicator of how far you’ve progressed.
Although well-suited for a family, there’s challenge enough for adult enthusiasts to enjoy it – one puzzle in particular provided a very pleasing a-ha moment. And with highlights including the song and the ending, it’s thoroughly enjoyable even for an old cynic like me. Both charming and well-designed, this is a very solid Christmas game.
Enthusiasts should be sure to schedule extra time when visiting TimeQuest, because it’s so easy to end up spending ages chatting to the friendly owners!