Athens, Apr 2023
Having enough horror rooms on our Athens schedule already, we passed up The Cellar at Last Wish and played only their Mafia room, Omertà. Athens is famous for long games, and even so this is a beast of a room, with a time limit of 140 minutes.
You might, of course, speed through it in much less time; we did not. I particularly remember the initial area, where we went over and over the items available to us, scratching our heads over the apparent lack of any way forward.
There’s a story here, but I’m not sure I took much of it in while playing. What Omertà stands out for is the quantity and challenge of its puzzles. It’s not a ‘solve all you can’ room that throws a lot of puzzles at you at once; it’s more of a puzzle marathon.
Playing partway through an intensive schedule of Athens games, I admired Omertà more than I had a great time playing it; our tired brains found it hard going, at more than one point. But that was on us, not a flaw in the logical and elegant puzzles.
For escapers who want a schedule of highly impressive games but don’t fancy the horror games that predominate in Athens, this is an good game to include: no fear elements, well over two hours of intense puzzling. Just aim to bring your A-game.